Friday, November 28, 2008

weyh weyh, whey weyh~

d other day, amoi (bukan nama sebenar hafizah amadzun) told me dat d ITGS kids told us dat CHOKI-CHOKI is not good for health as it is made from d intestine of cows. well, i've heard of dis matter so many times already and gladly my mom told me d story behind dis actually.

so here's d idea weyh.

d main reason for d statement from d ITGS kids is becoz choki-choki had d ingredient WHEY POWDER in it.

what is whey powder?

whey powder comes from milk, and is a by product in which d coagulation of milk separates them into two : liquid (whey) and solid (curd), in which the curd is later becomes the cheese.

so basically, whey is ok to be eaten, as it is actually milk from goat, cow, buffalo, or sheep.

so kawan2, jangan risau lah nak makan choki2. whey is actually safe. :) since the ITGS kids said it originates from cows.


there's some slight technical problems nowadays.

in separating the milk to curd and whey, they need enzymes, or acids, to coagulate it. so, they usually use rennet enzyme , or we usually know it as rennin.

so here's d catch. my mom told me dat in large industries, they tend to use dis enzymes.
these enzymes are usually of cow and calf origin.

we might not know how d cow or calf have been slaughtered. is it slaughtered? or is it not?
halal ke haram? baca bismillah ke x?

my mom said when she studied food tech dulu, she knew dat certain industries might use rennin from pig origin.
in which for sure haram lahhhhhhhhhh.

so, now.
we don't really know d status of d food, whether it is halal or not.
whether d enzyme is of which origin.
whether the way of getting the enzyme is ryte or wrong.

kita tak tau, but antara halal dan haram
ialah syubhah.

syubhah ialah status antara halal dan haram, so kita tak tau exactly boleh ke tak.
ada 10 keburukan perkara2 syubhah, seperti dalam kitab2 ulama' ada tertulis,
but i remembered 1 badness of syubhah :

gelap hati.

so to just play safe, we must be aware lah. perkara2 syubhah ni. check dulu apa kita makan tu, ingridients dia apa.
check whether ada whey powder or not. coz unsur2 syubhah tu dtg dr situ lah.
coz to produce whey, they need enzyme rennet. and if they use rennet, then dari situlah datang syubhah dia tu.

erm, check on many dairy and chocolate products la.
such as ferrero rocher, mars, snickers etc.
choki2. =P

then kalo rajin do research on it.
coz sometimes they dun use rennet, industries use vegetable rennet, acid, etc.
which are not of mammal origin.
which is OK. =)

so people out there, i hope we will be more aware of what we eat.
coz after all, we are what we eat.

and kalo we eat benda2 haram,
neraka je bleh sucikan daging2 kita nih.
in which neraka tu sangat lah sakit kan.

for more info on cheese, rennet, curd and whey, you can go to wikipedia here :

then look la for rennet, cheese, ethics n all.
search lah whatever u want pon.

wabillah hi taufiq.


NabilahRashida said...

pk hem aku dlu pnah ckap choki2 tuh x elok...die ckp..

"bnda yg x elok tuhlah yg korg ske mkn byk2..mknn kt dm yg elok, byklah complain.."

ptut or x ptut tros mkn choki2??

jhar said...

suka hati anda lah actually

banyak je benda2 lain yg kita makan yg tak elok

mcd, kfc, maggi, blablabla

benda2 ni mmg la sedap
effect pon sedap gak
so pandai2 tanggung lah kot

SNJ said...

wahhh gila hebat ar ko neyhhhh haha
bole buat choki choki sndiri ar pasneyh haha

Anonymous said...

itgs kids?
mcm aku je
amoi ni
menjaja name itgs pulak

jhar said...

dia x kata zaki
dia kata woof woof