Sunday, December 28, 2008

titanic yang tak terkaram, kehalusan budi dan kerendahan hati

today i watched titanic at the star movie channel. well, i watched it once dulu, time tu kat kampung i guess, vcd. well basically dulu titanic famous coz it is one of d pioneer movies dat had nude in it in msia.
maklumlah, time tu muda2 lagy kan, comel2 lagy. ngan sifat ingin tahu yang mendalam. innocence yg suci bersih. campur masih kanak2 lagy, takde la salah sgt tgk kan.

namun skrg dah matang, dicampur kehenseman dan kemachoan yang luar biasa, sudah mampu menganalisis ape yang tidak diri ini fahami pada masa dahulu. yes. mari mengungkap cerita titanic ini melalui mata saya.

jack dawson n rose amende tah.

so as most of us know, d movie is about titanic, a cruise ship which is said to be unsinkable. n yet, padan muka i'd like to say, titanic now is d only kapal laut yg karam dat i know, n i cn bet for d same in other's minds.

n then within d ship, d story is about people dat lives wif such hierrarchy (dun care bout d spelling) n sangat la mementing kan kelas.
1st class.
2nd class.
or third?

so wat rili touched me is about these classes, which mostly reminds me of kasta di india, n sistem feudal etc. well lets discuss shall we?

so i guess we can screw 2nd class coz they never seemed important in d movie.

lets move to first.
n filthy at heart.

they have d best of manners, which makes d third class people look like street rats. well, kinda it seems. kalo kita tgk la, memang molek la peradaban mereka. kelas pertama kan, minda pon kelas pertama i guess?

kelembutan bahasa
kehalusan budi
kebusukan hati.

memang zahir dia semua molek, elok belaka. namun kalau diselam maksud perkataan dan perbuatan diorg, memang semerbak la kebusukan hati diorg. pandang hina kat orang. takabbur. riya'. ape lagy. memang makan la tipu daya dunia. sampai kapal nak karam pon leh naik life boat ikut kelas? a boat for 70 was occupied by 20 je? no wonder ramai mati.

then lets move to third class citizens.

kerendahan hati.

d third class people are portrayed as such, very care free, very sincere, n very lucky to be on such a ship. yes, they do not have d manners n ethics of royalty n busuk hati, but they stand their ground n sangat merendah diri. shown to be true as a poor class people. n pandai tahan tindasan kaum bangsawan.

well, not all bangsawan tu busuk. ade jgk yang ok, cuma majority lah yg busuk hati.

so let us look, how life treats us. its always like dat. yang kaya menindas, yang miskin mati lemas.

then lets see pasal kapal2 kan. so they said, titanic the unsinkable. now titanic the sunken.

well i guess its d way how Allah tunjuk to people yang ingat bagus abes.

nah, amek kau.
karam lah kau bersama kapal yang dibanggakan
(secara kasarnya i think tu messagenye lah)

then today tahun baru hijrah. so i heard a talk on hijrah. then dis syeikh ahmad darwisy said (maksudnya dalam bm):

apa sahaja yang ade perkaitan dengan Allah tidak akan musnah.
apa sahaja yang tiade perkaitan dengan Allah akan musnah.

so he told the acheh tsunami story as below.

ok, d masjids didnt even suffer a scratch from d tsunami. as most of us THOUGHT we know d reason, it is because rumah Allah, so dipelihara. true, i guess.

up until now, only i know another deeper reason.

syeikh ahmad darwisy said, during d reign of Umar Al-khattab, he sent many sahabat across the world to do dakwah, sebarkan Islam. jihad fi sabilillah. yes, true.

then, ada yang sampai ke kepulauan melayu ini.

and here's d best part. refer back to the picture of d masjids.

kisahnya, tapak masjid yang tak musnah tu, sebenarnye, ialah tapak berlabuhnya kapal sahabat2 yang datang untuk menyebarkan Islam, bawah arahan Umar al-Khattab. sebab tu lah masjid itu tak rosak.

let us think again now shall we?

titanic the unsinkable. sangat dibanggakan. Tuhan balas, karam.

now sahabat2 ada kapal jugak. jangankan nak kata kapal sahabat karam,bekas tapak berlabuh kapal sahabat pon tak karam, in a situation in which tempat2 lain habis hancur musnah.

betapa hebat n berkatnya kapal sahabat2, sampai tapak berlabuh pon terpelihara, 1400 tahun.

titanic? hmph. br berlayar 3 hari dh karam.

so i hope dis story would benefit me n evrybody who's reading this.

memang bagus jadi kaya, berbudi bahasa, tapi apa guna kalau hati itu busuk dan takabbur.
mari kita ingat, takabbur itu sifat Allah. Allah sahaja yang layak untuk takabbur, sebab dia memang layak. kalau kita ambil sifat Tuhan ini, so just ready aje lah.

n then miskin. miskin pon actually xde la elok sgt, coz macam mana nak menegakkan agama kalau miskin? cmner nak haji? cmner nak zakat? cmner sedekah? kalau semua Islam miskin susah juga.

so, to make it easy, dunia memang lah dunia, so kita memang kena kejar. tegakkan agama. kejar dunia.
tapi pesan syeikh abu hassan as-syazuli, dunia itu dalam genggaman tangan, bukan genggaman hati. kita menunggang dunia, bukan dunia menunggang kita.

at the same time, kita kena ade sifat tawadhu'.

just like Nabi kita, kaya, bangsawan, tapi 'ala khuluqil azhim, di atas akhlaq yang mulia.
memiliki kehalusan budi dan kerendahan hati.

happy new year 1430 hijrah peeps.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

"yes, ok, boleh~"

suddenly i just thot about it. haha. in times when we're soo bz, we just dun mind others yg kecik2 ni kan. haha. so i remembered an event which involved me n my youngest bro. huhu. rilu funny.

as d picture above shows, we were in d car lah. such a cute boy kan? (me la, not him.) we were somewhere else, wearing sumtin else as d picture too. so i was bored. i liked to bother adam (him laa).

so, i tried menggigit-ing his chubby fat arms. hahahaha. gempal2. n then dia jerit2. then i said to him:

"nak makan adam boleh?"

dia bising2 la. haha. my mom was just outside d car window, talkin to a friend. asyik gle ah my mom borak2. haha. then dgr adam bsing2. she just suro adam diam, jangan goyang2 kereta. haha.

then adam complained to mommy :

"mommyyyyyyy, firdaus kata nak makan adam~!!!"

my mom replied:

" yes yes, ok, boleh2"

then sambung talking. hahahahahahahaha.

lagy bergegar kereta. hahahahahaha. adam tak puas aty. huhuhuhu.

well, i think when times we're soo bz, we wud just do sumtin simple je so dat we can get back to our things. haha. n i guess i can continue kacau adam. hahahaha.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

untuk doctor2, bukan cara IB.

i have always thot of dis for some time. kita belajar science. but banyaknya cara orang bukan Islam kan. huhu.

so now, kita tgk, doctor Islam membuka langkah bersilatnya pula. huhu.

A young man asked a wise doctor :

Do you have any medicine that removes sin and cures the sickness of the heart?

Then the wise doctor replied and said :

The cure of your sickness are in ten things, these are :

1. take a root of the tree of poverty and some roots of the tree of humility.

2. mix these with the turmeric of repentance in the

3. grindstone of Allah’s pleasure, and then

4. grind the mixture of contentment in Allah’s decree

5. then put the mixture in a bowl of piety

6. pour the water of humiliation over the mixture and

7. boil in with the fire of love

8. then pour the (hot) solution into the cup of gratitude and

9. cool it off with the fan of hope of Allah’s mercy

10. finally drink the medicine with the spoon of praise of Allah

Truly if you follow this prescription, all your sickness will be cured and you will benefit from all the troubles both in this world and the Hereafter.

kalo kita tgk balik sirah kan, actually la, orang2 Islam doctors yang jauh lebih hebat dr sape2 pon.

cuba kita tgk eh some of d examples.

Nabi Muhammad :

one time, they were at war. so a sahabat shielded Rasulullah from being shot by arrows, using his face. then,

ada la sebijik panah sesat, and dat arrow caught him in the eye. terkeluar bijik mata. walawehhhhhh.

then, wat Nabi Muhammad did was, Baginda ludah air liur at the eye and put it back in.

God willing, d eye was better than ever.

after that, kalo sahabat tu sakit mata pon, mata yang diludah Rasulullah tu tak effect. maintain sihat je.


in another story, a sahabat was fighting too. in the war, he's hand got rili injured, and it troubled him to fight so badly. d hand was just hanging on a layer of skin. n so, wat he did was, he totally pulled off d hand n had it removed, n continued to fight. (walahhhh~)

after d war, he went to see Nabi Muhammad wif his arm. so, God willing again, Nabi Muhammad sambungkan balik tangan tu together, n it was better than ever.


Saidina Ali:

one time, ada sahabat jumpa sorg ni, tangan dah kene potong. then d sahabat asked:

"siapa yang potong tangan kamu?"

he replied:

"seorang yang tampan"

"seorang yang alim"

"amirul mukminin"

d sahabat asked again:

"lepas orang tu potong tangan kau, kau masih boleh puji dia?"

n again he replied:

"aku bersyukur sebab dia dah potong tangan aku"

"kalau tak, lagy teruk tangan aku kena di akhirat nnt"

so dis story came to the ears of saidina Ali n he called d guy.

"kalau dia boleh mengampunkan aku, apatah lagi Allah"

so saidina Ali covered d hand with a cloth, n joined d hand back.

n d hand was ok again.

kalo kita tgk betul2 la, kalo la Nabi Muhammad hidup lagy skrg, n saidina Ali, n ulama' lain,

sure tapau ah smua klinik kat dunia ni.

they are d best surgeon n doctors that ever walked d face of d earth.

wat we shud think now is,

y they become such great doctors,

n wat we, doctors to be, should try to follow as well.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

bodoh, bangang, but surely not BAHLUL~

its common in our culture to curse and say others stupid n dimwitted.
biasalah tu kan.

n go ahead, say the third B.

seronok kan cakap benda ni? well, it touches me rilli deeply when i was told of the story. maybe kita seronok ckp orang bahlul, but sebenarnya,d name bahlul has a high position by ALLAH's side.
n kita tak tahu d story behind it kan? well here i'd like to share it.
interesting. =)

Bohlool was born in Kufa and his real name is Wahab bin Amr. Haroun Rashid feared for the safety of his Khalifate and kingdom from the 7th Imam Musa Kazim (A.S.); therefore, he tried to destroy the Imam. Haroun thought of a trick by which he could kill the Holy Imam. He put the blame of rebellion upon the Imam and demanded a judicial decree from the pious people of his time--which included Bohlool. Everyone gave the decree except Bohlool, who opposed the decision. He immediately went to the Imam and informed him of the circumstances, and asked for advice and guidance. Then and there the Imam told him to act insanely.

Because of the situation, Bohlool acted insanely by the Imam's order. By doing this, he was saved from Haroun's punishment. Now, without any fear of danger, and in amusing ways, Bohlool protected himself from tyrannies. He insulted the notorious Khalifa and his courtiers just by talking. Nevertheless, people acknowledged his superior wisdom and excellence. Even today many of his stories are narrated in assemblies and teach the listeners valuable lessons.

bahlul lived during harun al-rashid's time. one time, there was a drought. so they did solat hajat to ask for rain. but after ulama n ulama, their doas were still not granted. so harun al-rashid asked:

"ada lagy ulama lain tak?"

"dah takde dah, yang tinggal bahlul je"

"panggil lah bahlul"

so they called bahlul. and when he came, bahlul tak imam sembahyang pon.

dia just datang and said:

"wa ALLAHi,

turunkan lah hujan"

and rain came down.

and d drought was over.

Bahlul seorang ulama' dahulu, yang hidup dalam keadaan hamba. zuhud. tidak berkehendak terhadap dunia dan kekayaannye.

takda orang peduli pon pasal bahlul, sebab ada cerita kata dia dah gila. tapi ketahuilah,

hanya dengan bersumpah dengan nama ALLAH, ALLAH akan perkenankan doanya.

here i would like to put some of the interesting stories i got from d net. =)

Bohlool With His Friend

One day a friend of Bohlool's took some grains to grind at the mill. After grinding them, he loaded them on his donkey and started home. Near Bohlool's house, his donkey began limping and fell. He called Bohlool and said, " Give me your ass so I can take my bundle home."

Bohlool had taken an oath that he would not give his donkey to anyone, so he said, "I don't have a donkey." But then a donkey's bray was heard.

The man said to Bohlool, "You have a donkey but you said you didn't."

Bohlool replied, "You are a strange and stupid friend. Even though we have been friends for fifty years, you don't listen to me, but you listen to an ass."

Bohlool Criticizes Haroun

One day Bohlool was near Haroun. He said, "O Bohlool! Criticize me."

Bohlool said, "O Haroun! If there is no water in the desert, you are attacked by severe thirst, and near death; what would you give for one gulp of refreshing water?"

"Gold dinars."

"What if the master of the water does not agree to give water for dinars? Then what will you give?"

"I will give half of my kingdom."

"After drinking the water, you get that illness in which you can't urinate. Now what will you give that One Who will cure this illness of yours?"

Haroun answered, " The remaining half of my kingdom."

Bohlool said, "Then don't give importance to this kingdom for it is not worth more than a drink of water. Isn't it proper that you do good with Allah's creations?"

Bohlool's Gift to the Khalifa

One day Haroun Rashid gave Bohlool some money and told him to distribute it amongst the poor and needy.

Bohlool took the money, but a moment later gave it back to the Khalifa, who asked the reason why he did this.

Bohlool said, "I thought a lot, but found no one more dependent and poor than the Khalifa. This is the reason why I returned the money. I see that your guards and officers stand in the shops and whip people, collect tax and revenue, and then pour them all into your treasures. So I thought that you are the most needy person, and gave the money back to you."

there are simply many other stories i cari gali-ed from the net.

feel free to roam here if you want more:

ps/ web ni di tulis oleh shiah.
remember, keluarga Nabi (ahlul bait) itu tak salah
mereka yang terlampau fanatik n extreme yang salah.
still, d stories are still fine i guess.
njoy =)

Friday, December 12, 2008

OH MY GOD edward cullen~! he's soooo hot~!

my BOTTOM. sungguh kelakar fenomena dalam wayang semalam. (thursday december 14th) so here's my story of it lah. huhu.

edward cullen.

ok, i went to sunway pyramids yesterday. from plan A went to plan B. so dun mind plan A, coz it did not happen.
Plan B was i joined anne (nama main2) and wa (sepatutnya nama sebenar) dan kumpulan kanak2 mereka (cousins n sibs) to sunway pyramid and watch dis movie.

well, i arrived dead early, at 10.30+ i guess. i cudnt believe myself either. anyways, i went to tgv n picked up their tickets for d movie. then i roamed around, like a lost soul, alone (sobs). window shopped alot (menahan diri from buying stuffs). till they eventually arrived, 2hours later. (tercabut kaki)

so then before the movie bwk la diorg pusing2 sikit, tgk2 kedai. malaysian saving sales lah, katanye.
then its off to d movies.

okay, so twilight. byk gle chicks tgk. adoyh. when they introduced d CULLENS, everyone was like owh wow.

then he showed up. (in the movie)

ehem ehem.
edward cullen.

and here goes d chicks. (i hope no guys did d same)

aaaaah~! wooooohhhhhh~!

and here goes me.

yeah girls.
glide to the screen.
suck his blood.

adoyyy, this is the first time i ever watched a movie in d cinema n then heard girls actually going nuts over a hot guy. i knw la he's hot, but lepak2 dah la. he cnt hear his fans now, not in tgv sunway pyramids. adoy, wats happening to the world nowadays.

n then into the movie n story itself. well, i find the movie quite ok lah. just dat, ok. d story line dat is. vampire, human. love. suck blood. fight vampires.
not much of villains anywhere. suspen je lebih. lawan sket2 je pon dh kalah. tak seronoknye.

then wat i find amusing (and dis irrated anne) was d action of gliding and also piggy-backing bella.
haha. edward was supposed to be super fast ryte. yeah i knw, i cn see d trees move past them rili fast. but edwards feet was like he was on a treadmill. slow mo kot. hahahaha. kaki dia tak laju ponnnnn~ XD

then d gliding. from tree to tree. ok, i get it. but he was like:

look at me, im jacky chan~
gliding slow mo~
no action.
just hands out.
n feet not moving.

i was laughing like hell. hahahaha. n dis also included d scene when edward climbed to the top of the tree.
super fast weh. tp panjat pokok tangan takyah cengkam trees pon. pergh hebat.

i told wa (sitting beside me) n she was also laughing juga. hahaha. kelakar weh.

anyways, i think d director (or stuntman) shud do some better job of making it look more realistic i guess? haha
n yeah, twilight was hell jiwang movie.
(but i liked edward's ride tho, d new volvo. nice wehhhhhhhh)

then we're off, jalan2. actually teman wa shopping je pon. wa shop mcm sial je. byk gle baba. dah la tgh sales, lg la shopping spree. anne hardly bought anything.
but anne had a nice time making me her doll, pakai scarf, shades, snow cap, hat, ape lagy.
then gelak cm gila. lempang br tau. (ayat je lebih, if ur reading this anne) huhu.

owh yea, we were in nose, wa was searching for heels, then aqasha d actor came in. wif his gf kot.
muka pancit, tak larat. masuk2 je trus duduk kat seats. then kene blah dah, n his face showed dis words within :

nak gerak dah ke?
br je duduk ni wehhh.
patah tulang tongkeng.
(i think those were d words kot)
cuma he kept silent aje.

adoyh. br tau rasa cmner shop wif girls. mcm siot je penat kaki. takde ke kedai jual kaki spare ah? nak kene beli a few pairs lah. coz shop wif girls ni serious memenatkan. n i didnt shop pon. tgk aje. (takde duit)

then makan. i came n anne dah abes makan. (siot monster makan laju) hahahaha. she always simpan her eating action away from me. (awat, cuak kene bahan ke anne? huhu)
n wa plak nafsu je besar, perut takde la besar mana. (wallet besar juga) so she bought yummy steak. n i (taknak membazir) helped her through it. ALHAMDULILLAH. O=)

n lepas tu, balik kot. dengan penuh terpaksanye, dan diorg penuh selambenye ikut to parking lot (hahahahaha), kena lah hantar diorg to shah alam. adoyhhhhh.
nasib baik bg duit tol. kalo tak dah eject jauh2. (hahahahahaha)

still, it was a nice day. tho penat. siot korg fit gle bab2 shopping ni. huhu.

moral of d story:

girls are very expressive creatures when it comes to hot characters in d screen.
girls are very strong legged creatures.
girls are lock n loaded in their pockets.

n guys hanya tgk n say;
yes, nice, amek la.
jom makan
dah? jom balik. (yippeeee)


Thursday, December 4, 2008

melodies of life

dis is a very nice song

try lah dengar
wanna sing along pon bolehhhhh


Alone for a while I've been searching through the dark
For traces of the love you left inside my lonely heart
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain
Melodies of life--love's lost refrain

Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold
In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me
Though you're gone, I still believe that you can call out my name

* A voice from the past, joining yours and mine
Adding up the layers of harmony
And so it goes, on and on
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds--forever and beyond

So far and away, see the bird as it flies by
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky
I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings
Leave them now and see what tomorrow brings

In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?

* Repeat

If I should leave this lonely world behind
Your voice will still remember our melody
Now I know we'll carry on
Melodies of life
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts
As long as we remember