Sunday, March 15, 2009

balls, balls, balls

yesterday (march 14th) i had a basketball game. it was RAVES against BENCHWARMERS. i played for raves, benchwarmer is a team from seremban. both our teams are new teams, but i guess d benchwarmers are even fresher kot. haha. me n 3 other teammates arrived a lil late, just nice to see they finish off d first quarter, wif haiwei (nama sebenarnya hairil kot) shooting a sharp 3 and posed for it.

so i had my share of d game, playing no more than 2 quarters. d place was in serdang, smart court. just panas macam sauna kot. phewh.

well we won i guess, 100-60+. dalam banyak2 tu aku score 2points je. hahaha.
well now i wanna write some of d things my teammates told me to improve on, so dat i remember. and some of d weaknesses i saw by watching a small portion of d recorded game:

- i have to be much faster. dis i saw from d footage. damn, pump fake macam nak fake kucing je. sape pon tak makan.
- i have to set d game.
- not to be scared. im not scared, maybe just not showing any confidence kot.
-finish d ball. shoot, layups, i guess.
-create sumtin dat can brake d defence. yeah, i guess dis is true.
-move around, don't stand at just one point. so true.

well, next game is next saturday, but kene balik kms lak. xmauuuuuuuuuuu, nak mainnnnnn~!

n now im shifting to football plak. MANUTD vs LIVERPOOL~!
i wanted to watch d game kat maple (mamak place) wif frens, but i guess it was lucky of me dat i didnt kot. haih.

i guess most of d fans knw d results, damn manutd lost 4-1. :(
i was watching at home, dreadfully. sangat sedih juga.

i was shouting n rooting for manutd alone at home, like dis:

"tembak dia, tembak~!!!!!"
mostly when ronaldo amek freekick. n when org ade clear shot. but such misfortune.

well i guess congrats to liverpool, they played well. memang nampak macam nak menang la. ni manutd main cm xnak menang je. haih. dah la home.

nasib baik tak gi luar tgk bola ngan memember. kalo tak mmg muka kene tunjal2 la kalah. 4-1 lak tu. haih2.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

chocolate cake, the hands that bake, wonders they make

suddenly i thot of talking on cakes. yummy. such a nice thing for birthdays kan?

such a nice cake ryte? seems tasty.

ni cake ke apam? macam muffin pon ada.

ok, so d other day d culinary club tried baking a cake. yeah. macam2 recipe ada dlm laptop, so last2 we tried chocolate cake. tikah n mia bought d ingredients n etc.

alryte. so we tried baking. d girls campur sana campur sini. laki pulak mengacau abes mixture tu, tikah kata kena sepekat mungkin, so kitorg mengacau lebih pantas dr mixer. menggunakan garpu. walaweh penat jd mixer. kerja keras 4 org mengacau.

then still x pekat, so tambah lagy tepung. wow. kacau lagy.

then dah ok, masuk oven. in d meanwhile, me n HE cleared all the utensils yang sangat bercoklat. tak elok membazir. so coklat2 tu smua abes dalam perut. yummy. hahahahaha. alhamdulillah.

back to d cake. so lepas cake dah abes masak, cake tu semacam je plak rupanye. tinggi macam gunung. tengok2, macam giant muffin pon ada. (untuk menguatkan daya imaginasi, lihat gambar kedua untuk dapatkan gambaran)
bila di korek dan dimakan, sedap. tapi macam apam pon ada. texture wise la. haha.

nak buat cake, ingatkan macam secret recipe la. (rujuk gambar pertama untuk gambaran) tengok2 rupa macam muffin, rasa macam apam. adoih. cake muffin apam. yeah.

ape la ceritanye ni ek. hmmmm. ikut recipe dah ikut dah. telur, coklat, tepung, pengacau yang serba canggih, pe lagy. coklat van houten lagy tu. icing best2 jugak. oven pon mantap.

apsal tak jadi macam secret recipe ek?? :(

then let's think for a moment shall we.

macam mana bahan smua dah sama, oven sama, pembuat pon bagus, but cake kuar lain2 plak?

can dis be an analogical answer to d claims that orang buat, yang mengatakan Nabi Muhammad juga manusia biasa sama macam kita?

kalau kita percaya pada superman, spiderman, serta rakan2 dari marvel dan DC comics,
mengapa kita tidak boleh berfikiran demikian untuk Nabi Muhammad?

memang Nabi berjasad manusia, namun Nabi ni manusia yang sangat istimewa, terlalu istimewa, paling istimewa. jadi kita tak boleh berfikiran bahawa Nabi Muhammad sama je macam mana2 Muhammad yang hidup skrg. kepala hotak anda la kalau anda claim sedemikian.

kita analogi kan Nabi Muhammad sebagai cake secret recipe, dan kita ni cake muffin apam tu. sama ke? mana sedap? mana mahal? mana ternama?
walhal bahan2 asas tu smua sama je, telur tepung coklat n etc.

itu sebab yang chef yang buat cake Nabi tu Allah, manakala cake muffin ni, noob yang buat. mmg la tak sedap. memang la beza langit dan bumi.

so, on this Maulidur Rasul, i dedicate this article and post for the most celebrated, the birthday man, Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wassalam.
i hope to make you happy with this virtual cake for you, though it may not suit you, for u deserve even better.

Friday, March 6, 2009

selekeh lah haha

saje2 baca bulletin org td, then ada la plak mende alah ni. haha

1) Lubang ape yang rasanye hangat, nikmat dan nyaman?
Answer: LUBANGun pagi2, tarik selimut pastu lu tido balik....

2) Minyak ape yang disukai oleh lelaki?
Answer: MINYAKsikan pertandingan bolasepak Liga-M opp!!! salah EPL laaa

3) Kuih ape yang bungkusnya di dalam, isinya di luar?
Answer: Kuih salah bikin.

4) Binatang ape yang power dlm bab berKarate?
Answer: Kuda belang....cube kira brape black belt dia ade.

5) Siape yang menemukan dompet kulit?
Answer: Yang menemukan dompet kulit tersebut tolong pulangkan kepada saye.

6) Pintu ape yang walaupun dengan 10 org pun tak leh nak tolak?
Answer: Pintu yang ade tulis 'TARIK'

7) Saya ade 3 kepala, 4 tangan dan 5 kaki...siapakah saya?
Answer: Pembohong...

8) Apa dia 'Jauh di mata, dekat di hati'?
Answer: Usus

9) Binatang ape yang seluruh anggota tubuhnya kat kepala?
Answer: Kutu rambut

10) Nenek sape jalannya meloncat-loncat?
Answer: Neneknye si katak

11) Kenape lelaki jarang kene penyakit anjing gila?
Answer: Sbb lelaki ni kan 'buaya'

12) Ape beza sekretari baik ngan sekretari kurang baik?
Answer: Sekretari baik.................. 'Selamat pagi Boss' Sekretari
kurang baik........... 'Dah pagi ni Boss'

13) Ape persamaan Michael Jordan ngan Michael Jackson?
Answer: Dua-dua tak kenal korang...heheheh

14) Tukang ape yang kalau dipanggil, die menjenguk ke atas?
Answer: Tukang gali kubur

15) Nak mencari sikit punye susah, bile dah dapat buang, ape bendanya?
Answer: Tahi hidung

16) Ape persamaan kain jemuran ngan telefon?
Answer: Dua-dua kalau dah 'kringgg' bole diangkat...

17) Knape pokok kelapa kat depan rumah harus ditebang?
Answer: Mestilah kene tebang, sape nak cabut pokok


Sunday, March 1, 2009


syasya sedang menulis di blog jhar. hahahha. jhar ade nama baru, jaym. stands for jay mok. ahhahaha

p/s: jhar. i guna blog u sambil mendengar bella's lullaby. HAHHAHA. padan muka.sorry.

qyna aka munchQYN, sila baca utk kaleidoskop kamu

Let’s hear a tale without its fairy
Let’s spend some time for a story

This is a typical tale of a race
This is a normal attitude about pace

There’s always waste of space and time
There’s always waste as if its value is just a dime

What more can others say
When more dropped space and chose delay

No use to think and talk
When more have decided to run the clock

It’s just tiring to speak on priority
When most have decided to retain identity

There’s nothing to be proud of
When we’re still here while others took off

There’s no good nor glory
When we’re still way behind the early

Everyone must have heard,
The tale of the early bird

So why are there still so many worms out of range?
Haven’t we taken enough notice of words change?

Don’t bother so much of Israel and Palestine
When we ourselves are so messed up within

Let us think for a sec
What kind of people are we in this pack

Let’s not waste another sec
Coz we’re no where near neck and neck

Come on and move
Shake and bake with the groove.